Forget about not remembering where you spent your money! Keep track of your expenses and get a lot of statistics to know in what you spend more and you can evaluate where you can cut some expenses!
Take advantage of this tool that will help you to manage your money and be informed all the time. You can also configure to get notifications when you have to make some payments every month so you don’t forget!
Remember: Your data will always be secure as your data is only handled locally.
Including Features
Widget to show Today's Expenses
Save information of expenses
Manage categories for expenses
Create reminders to payment dates.
Shows statistics of saved data.
Any improvement don't hesitate to communicate.
Lupakan tentang tidak mengingat di mana Anda menghabiskan uang Anda! Melacak pengeluaran Anda dan mendapatkan banyak statistik untuk mengetahui apa yang Anda menghabiskan lebih banyak dan Anda dapat mengevaluasi di mana Anda dapat memotong beberapa biaya!
Mengambil keuntungan dari alat ini yang akan membantu Anda untuk mengelola uang Anda dan diinformasikan sepanjang waktu. Anda juga dapat mengkonfigurasi untuk mendapatkan pemberitahuan ketika Anda harus membuat beberapa pembayaran setiap bulan sehingga Anda tidak lupa!
Ingat: Data Anda akan selalu aman sebagai data Anda hanya ditangani secara lokal.
Fitur termasuk
Widget menunjukkan Beban Hari ini
Menyimpan informasi biaya
Mengelola kategori untuk biaya
Buat pengingat untuk tanggal pembayaran.
Menampilkan statistik dari data yang disimpan.
Perbaikan jangan ragu untuk berkomunikasi.
Forget about not remembering where you spent your money! Keep track of your expenses and get a lot of statistics to know in what you spend more and you can evaluate where you can cut some expenses!
Take advantage of this tool that will help you to manage your money and be informed all the time. You can also configure to get notifications when you have to make some payments every month so you don’t forget!
Remember: Your data will always be secure as your data is only handled locally.
Including Features
Widget to show Today's Expenses
Save information of expenses
Manage categories for expenses
Create reminders to payment dates.
Shows statistics of saved data.
Any improvement don't hesitate to communicate.